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Brief Biography


Lindsay Weglarz tried to begin her entertainment career at the fragile age of just five years old. She begged her mother to let her audition for the Oscar Mayer Weiner commercial hoping it would launch her into the limelight. Sadly, her nerves struck, she got nowhere near becoming the new face of O. Mayer, and decided to take a 12 year break from entertaining all together.

She has always been an academic young lady, and chose not to tap into the joys of the right-side of her brain again until her senior year of high school. She was cast as the crazy football fan in the school play. Still unconvinced performing was the path for her, she attended Florida State University majoring in International Affairs.

While she LOVED (and still does) learning about political theories and studying guerrilla warfare, the right-side of her brain oddly enough out logic-ed the left. She began writing sketches and a book, and for one of the first times in her life she made the bold choice to peace out of FL. She headed to LA to study improv at the historic iO West like her role models Amy Poehler and Tina Fey.

Since, she has fallen in love with improv, and it has opened many doors for her. She can be seen weekly performing: improv, standup, and sketch all around the LA area! She also does not eat Oscar Mayer products anymore...unless it's the occasional Lunchable, because no one can resist making their own cold pizza.

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